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commonly ended in feme idea of Mifs
Sindall, though he meant nothing lefs than
to think of fuch an objedt.
He had ftrayed in one of thofe excur-
fions, about half a mile from the houfe,
through a copfe at the corner of the park,
which opened into a little green amphi¬
theatre, in the middle of which was a
pool of water, formed by a rivulet that
crept through the matted grafs, till it fell
into this bafon by a gentle cafcade.
The fun was gleaming through the trees,
which were pictured on the furface of the
pool beneath; and the filence of the feene
was only interrupted by the murmurs of
the water-fall, fometimes accompanied by
the querulous note of the wood-pigeons,
who inhabited the neighbouring copfe.
Bolton feated himfelf on the bank, and
liftened to their dirge. It ceafed; for he
had difturbed the facred, folitary haunt.
‘c I will give you fome mufic in return,”