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There was, perhaps, another reafon,
as forcible as that of obliging Mrs. Sel-
wyn, or attaining the recondite principles
of philofophy, which increafed Bolton’s
willingnefs to indulge that lady in becom¬
ing a party to her difquifitions. There
was a fpe&atrefs of the combat, whofe
company might have been purchafed at
the expence of fitting to hear Aquinas
himfelf difpute upon theology Mifs
Lucy Sindall. My readers have been ac¬
quainted, in the Introduftion, with my
prepofleflion in her favour, and the cha¬
racter Mrs. Wiftanly gave in jollification
of it. They were deceived by neither.
With remarkable quicknefs of parts,
and the livelieft temper, Ihe pofieffed all
that tendernefs which is the chief orna¬
ment of the female character j and, with
a modefty that feemed to Ihrink from ob-
fervation, Ihe united an eafe and a dignity,
that univerfally commanded it. Her vi¬