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improvement of it. When he returned
hither, he brought this young lady, then
a child, along with him, who, it Teems, was
left to his care by her father, a friend of
Sir Thomas’s, who died abroad; and Ihe
has lived with his aunt, who keeps houfe
for him, ever fince that period.
The mention of Sjr Thomas Sindall
naturally recalled to my mind the fate of
the worthy, but unfortunate, Annefly.
Mrs. Wiftanly told me, ihe had often been
anxious in her enquiries about his Ton
William, the only remaining branch of
her friend’s family* but that neither Ihe,
nor Mr. Rawlinfon, with whom fhe had
correfponded on the fubjeft, had been
able to procure any accounts of him *
whence they concluded, that he had died
in the plantation to which he was tranfport-
ed in purfuance of his mitigated fentence.
She farther informed me, “ that Sindall
had fhown fome marks of contrition at