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found her fubjed to the common debility,
but not to any of the acuter diftrefies of
age ; with the fame powers of reafon, and
tlie fame complacency of temper, I had
feen her before enjoy. “ Thefe, faid fhe,
are the effeds of temperance without au-
fcerity, and eafe without indolence j I have
nothing now to do but to live without
tne folicitude of life, and to die without
the fear of dying.”
At one of our firfl: interviews, I found
her accompanied by a young lady, who,
befides a great fhare of what is univerfally
allowed the name of beauty, had fome-
thing in her appearance which calls forth the
elleem of its beholders, without their pauf-
ing to account for it. It has fometimes de¬
ceived me, yet I am refolved to truft it to
the lafl hour of my life; at that time I gave
it unlimited confidence, and I had fpoken
the young lady’s eulogium before I had
looked five minutes in her face.