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without a seat in the scramble, and she becomes the
Lady’s Maid; and takes her place in the middle of the
room to call the names of the others.
Maria. Now, as there are seven of us, we must have but six
chairs; so let us take all the others, and set them at the other end of
the room, turning their fronts to the wall. (They fix the chairs.)
Come, Julia, you shall be Scarf; Matilda shall be Collar; Charlotte,
Frock ; Harriet, Belt; Louisa, Cap; Emily, Bonnet; and I will be
Lady's Maid. Now, all take your seats. (They seat themselves.)
My lady’s up, and w'ants her collar.
Matilda. (Rising.) Collar!
Maria. My lady’s up, and wants her frock.
Charlotte. Frock !
Maria. My lady’s up, and wants her scarf.
Julia. Scarf!
Maria. My lady’s up, and wants her cap.
Louisa. Cap!
Maria. My lady’s up, and wants her bonnet. Bonnet—bonnet—
Why, Emily, you do not answ-er. You have not your wits about you.
Emily. What could I be thinking of? My handkerchief must be
my forfeit.
Maria, My lady’s up, and wants her scarf.
Julia. Scarf!
Maria. My lady’s up, and wants her scarf. Julia—Julia—have
you forgotten already that you are scarf?