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fce proportions you must know — then never
call one honest man, Herman Doustersviirel.
IVow you see , mine patron — for I will not
conceal mine secret from you at all — you
see dis little plate of silver — you know de
moon measureth de whole zodiack in de space
of twenty-eight day — every child knows dat
— -well, I take a silver plate when she is in-
her fifteenth mansion, which mansion is in de
head of Libra, and I engrave upon one side
de worts , Shedharschemoth Schnrtachan
— dat is, de Intelligence of de Intelligence of 1
de moon — and I make his picture like a
flying serpent with a turkey-cock's head — •
vary well — Then upon this side I make de
table of de moon, which is a square of nine, '
multiplied into itself, with eighty-one num- I
hers on every side , and diameter nine — dere •
it is done very proper — Now I will make
dis avail me at de change of every quarter- I
moon dat I shall finJ by de same proportions
of expences I lay out in de suffumigations, as 1
nine, to de product of nine multiplied into
itself — I shall find no more to-night, as It
may be two or three times nine, because dere *t
is a thwarting power in de house of ascend- ’1
• <,But, Dousterswivel," said the simple Ba- I1
ronet, «does not this look like magic? — 1