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fprcad fo widely in Scotland, that I know
not whether I found man or woman, whom
I interrogated concerning payments of mo¬
ney, that could furmount the illiberal defire
of deceiving me, by reprefenting every
thing as dearer than it is.
From Lochbuy we rode a very few miles
to the fide of Mull, which faces Scotland,
where, having taken leave of our kind pro¬
testor, Sir Allan, we embarked in a boat, in
which the feat provided for our accommo¬
dation was a heap of rough brufhwood *
and on the twenty-fecond of Oclober re¬
po fed at a tolerable inn on the main land.
On the next day we began our journey
fouthwards. The weather was tempeflu-
ous. For half the day the ground was
rough, and our horfes were llill fmail.
Had they required much reftraint,we might
have been reduced to difficulties; for I
think we had amongft us but one bridle.
I 5 We.