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Our light fhowed no tokens of a feculent
or corrupted atmofphere. Here was a
fquare ftone, called, as we are told Fin-
gal's Fabli.
If we had been provided with torches,
we fhould have proceeded in our fearch,
though we had already gone as far as any
former adventurer, except fome who are
reported never to have returned; and,
meafuring our way back, we found it more
than a hundred and fixty yards, the ele¬
venth part of a mile.
Our meafures were not critically exadf,
having been made with a walking pole, Inch
as it is convenient to carry in thefe rocky
countries, of which I guetTed the length by
Randing againil it. In this there could be
no great errour, nor do I much doubt but
the Highlander, whom we employed, re¬
ported the number right. More nicety
however is better, and no man fhould tra-
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