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were not fenfibty miffed, as the argument
fuppofes, mufl have gone either in lefs
number, or in a manner lefs detrimental,
than tu prefent*, bceaufe formerly there
was no complaint. Thofe who then left
the country were generally the idle depen¬
dants on overburdened families, or men
who had no property ; and therefore car¬
ried away only themfelves, In the prefent
eagernefs of emigration, families, and al-
moft communities go away together. Thofe
who were confidered as profperous and
wealthy fell their flock and carry away the
money. Once none went away but the ufe-
lefs and poor; in feme parts there is now
reafen to fear, that none will flay but thofe
who are too poor to remove thtrnfelves and
too ufelefs to be removed at the coll of
Of antiquity there is not more know¬
ledge in Col than in other places ; but
every where fomething may be gleaned.