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The milk of goats is much thinner tharr
that of cows, and that of (Keep is much
thicker. Sheep’s milk is never,eaten be*'
fore it is boiled : as it is thick, it mull be
very liberal of curd, and the people of St.
Kiida form it into fmall cheeies.
The (lags of the mountains are lefs than
thofe of our parks, or foreEs, perhaps not lii
bigger than our fallow deer. Their flefh
has no ranknefs, nor is inferiour in flavour
to our common venifon. The roebuck I
neither faw nor tafted. Thefe are not
countries for a regular chafe. The deer
are not driven with horns and hounds. A l
fportfman, with his gun in his hand, watches
the animal, and when he has wounded him,
traces him by the blood.
They have a race of brinded greyhounds,
larger and flronger than thofe with whiclij
we courfe hares, and thofe are the only
dogs ufed by them for the chafe.