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jovial feem utterly excluded; and where the
hermit might expeft to grow old in medi¬
tation, without pofiibility of difturbance or
interruption. It is fituated very near the
fea, but upon a coaft where no veffel lands
but when it is driven by a tempeft on
the rocks. Towards the land are lofty
hills ftreaming with water-falls. The
garden is fheltered by firs or pines, which
grow there fo profperoufly, that fome,
which the prefent inhabitant planted, are
very high and thick.
At this place we very happily met Mr.
Donald Maclean, a young gentleman, the
eldeft fon of the Laird of Col, heir to a
very great ex ent of land, and fo defirous
of improving his inheritance, that he fpent
a confiderable time among the farmers of
Hertfordjbire, and HampJfjire, to learn
their pradtice. He worked with his own
hands at the principal operations of agri¬
culture, that he might not deceive himfelf
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