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and fuccefs, with which he had affcrted the prerogatives of
the crown. For thefe reaibns, all his Flemifh counfellors
combined to retard his departure; and Charles, unfufpici-
ous, from want of experience, and fond of his native coun¬
try, buffered himfelf to be unneceffarily detained in the Ne¬
therlands a whole year after figning the treaty of Noyon.
The repeated entreaties of Ximenes, the advice of his
grandfather Maximilian, and the impatient murmurs of his
Spanifh fubjedts, prevailed on him at lait to embark. He
. was attended not only by Chievres, his prime minifter, but
by a numerous and fplcndid train of the Flemifh nobles,
i fond of beholding the grandeur, or of (haring in the bounty
! | of their prince. After a dangerous voyage, he landed at
f Villa Viciofa, in the province of Afturias [Sept. 13J, and
ji' was received with fuch loud acclamations of joy, as a new
1; monarch, whofe arrival was fo ardently delired, had reafon
I: to expect. The Spanifh nobility rfcforted to their fovereign
| from all parts of the kingdom, and difplayed a magnificence
ii which the Flemings were unable to emulate*.
Ximenes, who confidered the prefenee of the king as the
'! greateft blelfing to his dominions, was advancing towards the
i coaft, as fall as the infirm (late of his health would permit,
j in order to receive him. During his regency, and notwith-
I Handing his extreme old age, he had abated, in no degree,
the rigour or frequency of his mortifications; and to thefe
he added fuch laborious affiduity in bufmefs, as would have
worn out the moft youthful and vigorous conftitution. E-
very day he employed feveral hours in devotion ; he cele¬
brated mafs in perfon; he even allotted fome fpace for llu-
■dy. Notwithftanding thefe occupations, he regularly at¬
tended the council; he received and read all papers prefent-
ed to him ; he didlated letters and inftruftions; and took
under his infpeftion all bufmefs, civil, ecclefiatlical, or mili¬
tary. Every moment of his time was filled up with fome
n ferious employment. The only amufement in which he in-
* P. Mart. Ep. 599, 601.