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belonged was lying out in the harbour below Tynemouth
Castle, and sweethearts and wives were accompanying the
crew to the beach, where a boat was waiting to take them
“ Mary had ventured to accompany William part of the
way towards the beach to bid him adieu; and when, through
fear of her father finding them together, she would have
returned, he held her hand more firmly within his, and
said—‘Fear nothing, love ; it is the last time we shall see
each other for twelve months. Come down as far as the
boat; and do not let it be said, when it pulls off, that Bill
Stanley was the only soul in the ship’s crew, that had not a
living creature on the shore to wave good-by to—or one to
drop a tear for his departure, more than if he were a dog.
If I be alone and an outcast in the world, do not let
me feel it now.’
“ ‘ Willingly,’ she replied, ‘ would I follow you,' not only
there, but to the ends of the earth. But my father will be
on the beach, watching the boat; or, if he be not, the spies
of another will be there, and my accompanying you would
only make my persecution the greater during your absence.’
“ ‘ What! ’ exclaimed he, ‘ have I then a rival for your
affections, one that I know not of, and whose addresses are
backed by your father’s influence ? Who is he ?—or what
is his name? Tell me, Mary—I conjure you, by your
plighted faith.’
“ ‘ Give not the name of a rival,’ said she, ‘to a hypo¬
critical wretch, whose heart I would not tread beneath my
heel, for fear of pollution ! A rival!—William, I would
not insult the meanest reptile that feeds upon garbage, by
placing it in competition with a hypocrite so base and
mean ! A rival!—rather would I breathe the vapours of
a ploughed charnel-house for ever, than be blasted with
his breath for a single hour! No—my heart is yours—
it is wholly yours—fear not.’