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tourt. The Imperial chamber was eftablifhed firft at
Francfort on the Maine. During the reign of Charles V.
it was removed to Spires, and continued in that city
above a century and a half. It is now fixed at Wetzlar.
This court takes cognizance of all queftions concerning
civil right between the Hates of the empire, and pafifej
judgment in the laft refort, and without appeal. To it
belongs likewife the privilege of judging in criminal
caufes, which may be conlidered as connefted with the
prefervation of the public peace. Pfeffel Abrege, 560.
All caufes relating to points of feudal right or jurif-
didlion, together with fuch as refpect the territories
which hold of the empire in Italy, belong properly to
the jurifdiftion of the Aulic council. This tribunal was
formed upon the model of the ancient court of the palace
inftituted by the emperors of Germany. It depended not
upon the Hates of the empire, but upon the emperor, he
having the right of appointing at pleafure all the judges of
whom it is compofed. Maximilian, in order to procure feme
compenfation for the diminution of his authority, by the
powers vefled in the Imperial chamber, prevailed on the
diet, A. D. 1512, to give its confent to the eflabliihment
of the Aulic council. Since that time it has been a great
objeft of policy in the court of Vienna to extend the ju«
rifdi£Iion, and fupport the authority of the Aulic coun¬
cil, and to circumfcribe and weaken thofe of the Impe¬
rial chamber The tedious forms and dilatory proceed¬
ings of the Imperial chamber have furnifhed the emperors
with pretexts for doing fo. Lites Spirae, according to
the witticifm of a German lawyer, fpirant, fed nunquam
expirant. Such delays are unavoidable in a court com¬
pofed of members named by many different Hates, jealous
of each other. Whereas the judges of the Aulic council,
depending upon one mafier, and being refponfible to
him alone, are more vigorous and decifive. Pufiendorf,
de Statu Imper. German, cap.v. §20. Heffel Abrege,
P- J81.
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