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no inns or houfes of entertainment for the reception of
travellers during the middle ages. Murat. Antiq. Ital.
vol. iii. p. 381, See. This is a proof of the little inter-
courfe which took place between different nations.
Among people whofe manners are Ample, and who are 1
feldom vilited by ftrangers, hofpitality is a virtue of the
firft rank. This duty of hofpitality was fo necelfary in
that (late of fociety which took place during the middle
ages, that it was not confidered as one of thofe virtues
which men may pradhfe or not, according to the temper
of their minds and the generofity of their hearts. Hof¬
pitality was enforced by ftatutes, and fuch as negledted
this duty were liable to punifhment. Quicunque hofpiti
venienti iedtum, aut focuni negaverit, trium folidorum
jnlatione muldletur. Leg. Burgund. tit, xxxviii. §1.
'n quis bomini aliquo pergenti in itinere manfionem ve-
rit fexaginta folidos componat in publico. Capitul.
§ 82. This increafe of the penalty, at a period
Ter that in which the laws of the Burgundians
lib. vi.
fo long a.
ed, and when the Bate of fociety was much
were publnh ,ry remarkable. Other laws of the fame
impiove , is v. <^ec) by j0> preci, Polac. Syftema Jurif-
purport are collec . ^ ^ p_ ^ Thc laws Jof ths
pru . eimamcae, l ti,an any t[iat he mentions j
Slavi weie more rigo. . ^ 0f an inhofpitable
they ordained, that th v and his houfe burnt/They
peifon ihould be confifcatei. entertainment of ftrangers
were even fo felicitous for the . ^ ^ ^ (he fuppBorC
that they permitted the landlord aooone
of his gueft.” Quod neflu furatu.' tuuns, eras appong.
hofpitibus Return Medeburgicar ^ Qf the(.e u
Beehr. Lipf. 175., P- 5°- In confequen
or of the Bate of fociety which made it p. ^per to enact
them, hofpitality abounded while the intercom ‘e amonK
/- 1 11.. j tInm Arunaf 3 Kind
men was inconfiderable, and fecured the ftrangt ^,].er
reception under eveiy roof where he chofe to take 1.
too, proves clearly, that the intercourfe an.'ong
men was rare, for as foon as this became freque. t,
what was a pleafure became a burden, and the en¬
tertaining of travellers was converted into a branch ot