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diitinfl: knowledge of its political confutation is
of capital importance towards underftanding the
tranfaftions of his reign.
The Vandals and Goths, who overturned the
Roman power in Spain, eftablifhed a form of go¬
vernment in that country, and introduced cuftoms
and laws, perfectly fimilar to thofe which were
eftablifhed in the reft of Europe, by the other
victorious tribes which acquired fettlements there.
For fome time, fociety advanced, among the new
inhabitants of Spain, by the fame fteps, and
feemed to hold the fame courfe, as in other Eu¬
ropean nations. To this progrefs a fudden flop
was put by the invafion of the Saracens or Moors
from Africa [A. D. 712]. The Goths could
not withftand the efforts of their enthufiaftic va¬
lour, which fubdued the greateft part of Spain,
with the fame impetuous rapidity that diftin-
guifhes all the operations of their arms. The
conquerors introduced into the country in which
they fettled, the Mahometan religion, the Arabic
language, the manners of the Eaft, together with
that taile for the arts, and that love of elegance
and fplendour, which the caliphs had begun to
cultivate among their fubjefts.
Such Gothic nobles as difdained to fubmit to
I the Moorifh yoke, fled for refuge to the inacceffi-
1 ble mountains of Afturias. There they com-
i forted themfelves with enjoying the exercife of
1 the Chriftian religion, and with maintaining the
» authority of their ancient laws. Being joined
« by many of the boldeft and moft warlike among
i their countrymen, they fallied out upon the ad¬
jacent fettlements of the Moors in fmall parties ;
but venturing only upon fhort excurfions at firft,