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JUNIUS, &C. 11
Under one administration * the stamp act is
made ; under the second f it is repealed ; under
I the third, in spite of all experience, a new mode
of taxing the colonies is invented J, and a ques¬
tion revived which ought to have been buried in
oblivion. In these circumstances a new office is
established for the business of the plantations,
and the Earl of Hillsborough called forth, at a
most critical season, to govern America. The
choice at least announced to us a man of superior-
capacity and knowledge. Whether he be so or not,
let his dispatches, as far as they have appealed,
let his measures, as far as they have operated, de¬
termine for him. In the former, we have seen
strong assertions without proof, declamations'
without argument, and violent censures without
dignity or moderation ; but neither correctness
in the composition, nor'judgment in the design.
As for his measures, let it be remembered, that
attached to each other, yet thought nearly alike on the
American business. Lord Mansfield, two years before
the above letter was written. In a fpeech againft the ful-
pending and difpenfing prerogative, reminded the houfe of
whar had been told them the year before, “ that they -would
1 import rebellionfrew America"
* Grenville adminiftration.
t Rockingham adminiftration.
f The tea duty, laid by the Chatham and Grafton ad-