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it dark, but we purfued our journey towards the
pole, or north ftar, and travelling all night, by fix
o’clock in the morning we came to a Ruffian village
called Ke.rtza, and from thence came to a large town
named Ozonoys, where we heard that feveral troops
of Calmuck Tartars had been abroad upon the de¬
fart, but that we were part ail danger. In five days
after we cams to Veuflima, upon the river Witzedga ;
from thence we came to Lawrenfkoy, on the third of
July, where providing ourfelves with two luggage
boats and a convenient bark, we embarked the fe-
venth, and arrived at Archangel the-eighteenth, af¬
ter a year five months and three days journey, in¬
cluding the eight months and odd days at Tobollki.
We came from Archangel the twentieth of Augufi:
in the fame year, and arrived at Hamburgh the thir¬
tieth of September. Here my partner and I made
a very good fale of our goods, both thofe of China
and Siberia.; when, dividing our effe£ls, my fhare
came to 3475b 17s. 3d. after all the Ioffes we had
fuftained, and charges we had been at. Here the
young lord took his leave of me, in order to go to
the court of Vienna, not only to feek protection,
but to correfpbnd with his'father’s friends. After
we had ftaid four months in Hamburgh, I went
from thence over land to the Hague, where, embark¬
ing in the packet, 1 arrived in London the tenth of
January 1705, after ten years and nine months ab-
fence from England.