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work to form a thonfand frightful things that may
never happen. And we fcarce flept one night, with- ,
out dreaming of halters, yard-arms, or gibbets ; of
fighting, being taken, and being killed; nay, fo vio¬
lent were our apprehenfions, that we would bruife
our hands and heads againft the fides of the cabin,
as though actually *engaged. The ftory of the Dutch
cruelty at Airipona often came into our thoughts ,
when awake ; and, for my part, I thought my con-
d’tion very hard, that, after fo many difficulties, and
fueh fignal deliverances, I fliould be hanged in my
old age, though innocent of any crime that deferved
iisch punifhment; but then religion would feem to
reprefent to me, as though the voice of it had laid, ^
Confider, O man ! what nns you have been former- ;
ly guilty of, which now thou art called to an account
for, to expiate with thy blood ! And as to thy in¬
nocence, what art thou more innocent than thy
bleffed Redeemer Jefus Chrift, who fullered for thy ,
offences, and to whofe providence you ought to fub- 1
mit, let what will happen ? After this, natural courage f
would infpire me to refifl to the laft drop of blood, ,
and fooner die than futfer myf'elf to be taken by
boorifh, rafcally Dutchmen, who had arts to tor¬
ment beyond death itfelf.
Eut now, thank kind Heaven, being afbore, cur
old pilot procured us a lodging and q, warehoufe for i
our goods ; it was a little hut with a large warehoufe
joining to it, all built with canes, and palliiadoed
round with large ones, to keep out pilfering thieves,
who are very numerous in that country. The ma-
gillrates allowed us a little guard during the night,
and we employed a centinel with a kind of halbert
for t,hree pence a-dayi The fair or mart, we found,
had been over for fome time ; however, there re- j
mained in the river four junks and two Japan fliips,
the merchants of the latter being on ffiore. In the
firll: place, our old pilot brought us acquainted with ■