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fale for the fhip (undoubtedly forged) to one Ema¬
nuel Cloflerfhdven, which name he went by. And
fo without any more to do, vve picked up fome Dutch
and Englilh feamen, refolving for another voyage
for cloves among the Philippine and Malacca '.(lands :
In fhort, we continued thus five or fix years, trad¬
ing from port to port with extraordinary fuccefs ; in
the feventh year we undertook a voyage to China,
defigningto touch at Siam, and buy iome rice by the
way. In this voyage, contrary winds beat us up and
down for a confiderable time among the iflands in
the Straits of Malacca. No fooner were we clear of
thofe rugged feas but we perceived our fhip had
fprung a leak, which obliged us to put into the river
Cambodia, which lies northward of the gulph, and
goes up to Siam.
One day as I was on fhore refrefliing myfelf, there
comes to me an Englilhmhn, who was a gunner’s
mate on board an Englilh Eaft India fhip, riding up
the river, near the city of Cambodia ; Sir, find he,
you may wonder at my bufmefs, having never feen me
in your life', b'/t though I am a f ranger, I have fime-
thing to tell you that very nearly concerns you ; and in¬
deed it is the imminent danger you are in has moved me
to give to you this timely notice. Danger! faid I, what
danger ? I know of none, except my fhip being leaky,
for which I defign to have run her aground to-mor¬
row morning. Sir, faid he, l hope you %vill be better
employed, when you fhall hear what I have to fay to you.
You know the town of Cambodia is about 1 c leagues up
this river : About three leagues on this fide of it, there
lie two Dutch and three Englifh ftps. And would
you venture here, without confidering what Jlrength you
ha e to engage them? I knew not what he meant by
tlvs difeourfe, and turning fhort upon him, Sir, faid
J, I know no reafon I have to be afraid either of any
Englilh or Dutch fhrps. I am no interloper, and
what bufinefs have they then with me ? Well, Sir,
A a faid