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would make a vifit to the Indian town, where thefe
dogs, fo they called them, reflded, afking me at
the fame time to go along with them ; for they did
not doubt, befides getting a good booty, but they
fliould find Tom Jeffery there, for that was the
unhappy man we miffed. But I utterly refufed to
go, and commanded them back, being unwilling to
hazard dieir lives, as the fafety of the fhip wholly
depended upon them. Notwithftanding all I could
fay to them, they all left me but oi«e, and the fu-
percargo: So we three came back to the boat, where
a boy was left, rofolving to ftay till they returned.
At parting I told them I iiippofed mod of them
would run the fame fate with Tom Jeffery. To
this they replied, Conic bays, come along, •well •war¬
rant •well come off fife etiough : And fo away they
went, notwithftanding all my admonitions, either
concerning their own fafety, or the prefervation of
the Ihip. Indeed they were gallantly armed, every
man having a mulket, bayonet, and a piftol, befides
cutlaffes, hangers, pole-axes, and hand-granadoes.
They came to a few Indian houfes at firft, which
not being the town they expefled, they went far¬
ther, and finding a cow tied to a tree, they conclu¬
ded that flie would be a fufficient guide, and fo it
proved ; for after they untied her, fhe led them di-
reftly to the town, which confifted of above two
hun 'red houfes, feveral families living in home of
the huts together. At their arrival, all being in a
profound fleep, the failofs agreed to divide them-
felves into three bodies, and fet three parts of the
town on fire at once ; to kill thofe that were efcaping,
and plunder the reft of the houfes. Thus defperate-
ly refolved they went to work ; but the firft party
had not gone far, before they called out to the reft,
that they had found Tom Jeffery; whereupon they
all ran up to the place, and found the poor fellow
ndecd hanging up naked by one arm, and his throat
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