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pofed, that it was not himfelf, but that it was be¬
tween my Jack of all trades, and the maid Sul'an.
I was indeed agreeably furprifed at the mention¬
ing this match, which Teemed very fuitable, the one
being a very ingenious fellow, and the other an ex¬
cellent, dexterous, and fenlible houfewife, fit to be
governefs of the whole ifland; To we married them
the Tame day; and as I was her father, and gave her
away, To I gave her a handTome portion, appointing
her and her hufband a convenient large fpace of
ground for their plantation. The fharing out of the
land I left to Will Atkins, who really divided it
very juftly to every perTon’s fatisfadlion: They on¬
ly defired one general writing under my hand for the
whole, which I caufed to be drawn up, figned, and
fealed to them, fetting out their bounds, and gi¬
ving them a right to the whole pofTeffion of their re-
ipedfive plantations with their improvements, to them
and their heirs, reTerving all the reft of the ifland as
my own property, and a certain rent for every parti¬
cular plantation after eleven years. As to their laws
and government, I exhorted them to love one an¬
other : And as to the Indians who lived in a nook
by themfelves, I allotted three or four of them plan¬
tations, and the reft willingly chofe to become fer-
vants to the other families, by which means they
were employed in ufeful labour, and fared much bet¬
ter than they did before. Befides, the favages be¬
ing thus mixed with the Chriftians, the work of
their converiion might be Tet on foot by the latter,
in the clergyman’s abfence, to our equal fatisfadlion.
The young prieft, however, was a little anxious left
the Chriftians fhould not be willing to do their
parts in inftrudling thofe poor Indians : I therefore
told him, we fhould call them all together; that he
fhould Tpeak to the Spaniards who were Papifts, and
I to the Englifh who were Proteftants, and make
them promife they would never make any diftnnftion
in religion, but teach the general true knowledge of