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TV. A. Alas! muft my wicked life hinder you from
believing in him ?
Wife. How can me tink your God live there ?
(pointing to heaven). Sure he no ken what you do
TV A. Yes, yes, my dear, he hears us fpeak, fees
what we do, and knows what we even think.
Wife. Where then makee power ftrong, when he
hears you curfe, fwear de great damn ?
W. A. My dear, this fhews he is indeed a God and
not a man, who has fuch tender mercy ?
Wife. Mercy! what do you call mercy ?
W. A. He pities and (pares us: As he is our great
Creator, fo is he alfo our tender Father.
Wife. So God never angry, never kill wicked,
then he no good, no great mighty.
W. A. O my dear, don’t fay fo, he is both ; and
many times he Brews terrible examples of his judge¬
ment and vengeance.
Wife. Then you makee de bargain with him ;
vou do bad ting, he no hurt you, he hurt other
W. A. No indeed, my fins are all prcfumptions
upon his goodnefs.
Wife. Well, and yet no makee you dead ? and
you give him no tankee neither,
W. A. It is true, I am an ungrateful, unthank¬
ful dog that I am.
Wife. Why, you fay, he makee you, why makce
you no much better then.
W. A. It is I alone that have deformed myfelf,
and abufed his goodnefs.
Wife. Pray makee God know me, me no makee
him angry, no do bad ting.
W. A. You mean, my dear, that you defire I
would teach you to know God: Alas ! poor dear
creature ! He muft teach thee, and not I. But I’ll
pray earnefily to him to direft thee, and to forgive