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lafl: Blip was deftroyed by fire, as before has been
At this time we talked no further : But another
morning he comes to me, juft as I was going to
viiit the Englifhmens’ colony, and tells me, that as
he knew the profperity of the ifland was my prin¬
cipal defire, he had fomething to communicate, a-
greeable to my defign, by which perhaps he might
put it, more than he yet thought it was, in the
way of the benedhftion of Heaven. How, Sir ? faid
I in a furprife, are we not yet in the way of God’s'
blefiing, after all thefe fignal providences and de¬
liverances, of which you have had fuch an ample
relation ? He replied, I hope, Sir, you are in the
way, and that your good defign will profper: But
frill there are fome among you that are not equally
right in their atftions: And remember, I befeech
you, Sir, that Achan, by his crime, removed God’s
blefiing from the camp of the children of Ifrael ;
that though fix. and thirty were entirely innocent,
yet they became the objects of divine vengeance,
and bore the weight of the punifhment accordingly.
So fenfibly was I touched with this difcourfe, and
fo fatisfied with that ardent piety that inflamed his
foul, that I defired him to accompany me to the
Englifhmens’ plantations, which he was very glad
of, by reafon thefe were the fubjefts of what he
defigned to difcburfe with me about; and while
we walked on together, he began in the following
manner :
Sir, laid he, I muft confefs it is a great unhappinefs
that we difagree in feveral-doctrinal articles of re¬
ligion ; but furely both of us acknosvledge this, that
there is a God, who having given us fome ftatcd
rules for our fervice and obedience, we ought not
willingly and knowingly to ofiend him, either by
negle&ing what he has commanded, or by doing
what he has forbidden us. This truth every Chrif-