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intereft of them all, they had not only forgotten all
that was pall, bat thought he ought as much to be
trufted with arms and necefl'aries as any of them,
which they teftified by making him next in command
to the governor: And they moft heartily embraced
the occafion of giving me this folemn affurance, that
they would never feparate their intereft again as long
as they lived.
After thefe kind declarations of friendfhip, we
appointed all of us to dine together the next day;
upon this I caufed the fhip’s cook and-his mate to
come on fhore for that purpofe, to a#ift in dreffing
our dinner. We brought from the Ihip fix pieces
of beef, and four of pork, together with our punch¬
bowl, and materials to fill it; and in particular, I
gave them ten bottles of French claret, and ten of
Englifh beer, which was very acceptable to them.
The Spaniards added to our feaft five whole kids,
which being roafted, three of them were fent as
frefti meat to the Tailors on board, and the other
two we ate ourfelves. After our merry and inno¬
cent feaft was over, I began to diftribute-my cargo
among them. Firft, I gave them linen fufficicnt to
make every one of them four fhirts, and, at the Spani¬
ards requeft, madethemupfix. ThethinEnglilhftufts
I allotted to make every one a light coat like a frock,
agreeable to the climate, and left them fuch a quan¬
tity as to make more upon their decay, as -alfo pumpc,
fhoes, hats, and ftockin'gs. It is not to be expref-
fed the pleafing fatisfaclion which fat upon the coun¬
tenances of thefe poor men, when they perceived
what care I took of them, as if I had been a com¬
mon father to them all •, and they all engaged never
to leave the iflatid, till I gave my content for their
departure. I then prefented to them the people I
brought, to-wit, the tailor, fmith, and the two car¬
penters ; but my Jack of all trades was the moft ac¬
ceptable prefent I could make them. My tailor fell
immediately to work, and made every one of them a