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there take paffage for England: When, as it hap¬
pened, I got a young Englijh gentleman, a merchant’s
ion at Li ft on, to accompany me, together with two
Englifl} and two Portuguese gentlemen ; fo that with
a Portuguese fervant, an EngHJl: falior, and my man
Friday, there were nine of us in number.
Thus armed and equipped, we fet out, and came to
Madrid, when the fummer decaying, we hafted to
Navarre, where we were informed that there was
fcarcely any palling, by reafon of the prodigious quan¬
tity of fnow ; fo that we were obliged to abide near
twenty days at Pawpeluna, and at laid to take a guide
to conduci us fafe towards Thouloufe. And now twelve
other gentlemen joining with us, together with their
fervants, we had a very jolly company. Away our
guide led us by the frightful mountains, and through
fo many intricate mazes and windings, that we infen-
fibly paid them, which, as we travelled along, ulhered
us into the profpe£t of the fruitful and charming pro¬
vinces of Languedoc and Gajcogne.
But now came on two adventures, both tragical and
comical, tld, Our guide was encountered by three
wolves and a bear, who fet upon him and his horfe,
and wounded him in three places : Upon which my
man riding up to his affildance, {hot one of them dead,
on which the others ran into the woods. But the plea-
fanteld adventure was, toTce my man attack the bear.
This creature, if let alone, will never meddle with
you, and this my, Friday very well knew, and.
fo begging leave of me in broken EngUJh, he told us.
He would make good laugh. "Why, you filly fool,laid i,
he’ll eat you up at a mouthful. Eatec tne up ! replied
he, me eatee him, and make much good laugh. Upon.
Which, pulling off ins boots, he claps on his pumps,'
and running after the monfrous bead, he called Out
that he wanted to fpcak vvith him ; and then throwing
ftuqes on purpofe to-mcenft him, the ber.ft turns about
in a fury, and with prodigious ftrides, fhuflies after
' ‘ P . him.