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there was nothing but gratitude, and the fincereft love:
He found me not only his deliverer, but his preferver
and comforter; not a fevere and cruel tyrant, but a
kind, loving, and affable friend. He wanted for no
r. '.nner of fuftenance ; and when he was ill, or out
of order, 1 was his phyflcian, not only for his body,
but his foul; and therefore no wonder was it that
fuch an innocent creature, long fince divefted of his
former natural cruelty, fhould have an uncommon
concern at fo cruel a reparation from me, which
pierced him to the very ibid, and made him delire
even to die rather than live without me.
After 1 had told Friday, in a very carelefs manner,
that he (hould be at his liberty as foon as the boat was
made, the language of his eyes expreffed all imagi¬
nable confufion, when immediatel^running to one of
his hatchets which.he ufed to wear as a defendve
weapon, he gives it into my hand, with a heart fo
full that he could ibarce 1’peak. Friday, laid I, what
is it you mean i What muff I do with this ? Only kill
Friday, faid he, Friday no care live long. But what
muff I kill you for, replied I again. Ah! dear Ma fiery
ivkat make you Friday favefrom eat a me up, Jo keep long
Friday, make Friday love God, mid not love Benamuc-
kee ; and novo Friday/iw/ away, never fee Friday more!
Astho’ the poor creature had laid, Alas ! my dearelf,
kindeff Maffer, how comes it to pafs that after having
ventured your precious life to fave me from the jaws
of devouring cannibals, like mj'felf; after fuch a tender
regard to provide for me fuch comfortable nourilh-
menf, and continuing fo long a kind mafter, and moft*
fincere friend ; and after making me for lake the fade
notion of an Indian deity, and worihip the trye God in
fpirit and in truth: After ail this, I lay, how comes it
now that you are willing to fend me away to rr.y for¬
mer courle of living, by which means undoubtedly we
fha1! be dead to each other; but greater muft be my
misfortune, that I (hall never behold the heft friend
Ihave in this world any more ! And this certainly, the’