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my man Friday as before ; for by this appearance I
made no difpute, but that if he could get back thither
again, he would not only be unmindful of what reli¬
gion I had taught him, but likewife of the great obli¬
gation that he owed me for his wonderful deliverance:
Nay, that he would not only inform his countrymen
of me, but accompany hundreds of them to my king¬
dom, and make me a miferable facrifice, like thofe
unhappy wretches taken in battle.
IndeeJI was very much to blame to have thefe cruel
and unjuft fufpicions, and muft freely own I wronged
the poor creature very much, who was quite of a con¬
trary temper : And had he that difcerning acutenefs
which many Europeans have, he would have perceived
my coldnefs and indifference, and alfo have been very
much concerned upon this account: For as I was now
more circunffpecl, I had much leffened my kindnefs
and familiarity with him: And. while this jealoufy
continued, I ufed that artful way (now too much in
falhion to occafton ftrife and diffenlion) of pumping
him daily, thereby to difcover whether he was deceit¬
ful in his thoughts and inclinations : But certainly he
had nothing in him but what was confident with the
beft^irinciples, both as a religious Chriftian and grate¬
ful friend : And indeed I found every thing he faid was
fo ingenuous and innocent, that I had no room for fuf-
picion, and in fpite of all uneaftnefs, he not only made
me entirely his own again, but alfo caufed me much
to lament that I ever conceived one ill thought of him.
As we were walking up the fame hill- another day,
when the weather being fo hazy at fea that I could
not perceive the continent, Friday, faid, I don’t you
wifti yourfelf to be in your own country, your own
nation, among your old friends and acquaintance ?
Fes, faid he, me much O glad to be at my own nation.
And what would you do there, Friday ? laid I, would
you turn wild again, eat man’s fleftt, and be a fivage
as 'you was formerly ? No, no, (aiffwered he, full of
I\1 3 concern