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world, how comes it to pafs, that all things, as you
in particular, do not adore and worfhip him? Upon
this, looking very grave, with a perfect fweet look of
innocence, he replied, Majler, all things • ty O to
him; by which it may reafonably be fuppofed he meant
adoration. And where, laid I, do the people of your
country go when they die? He anfwered, They all
go to Benamuchee. What, and thofe people that are
eaten up, do they go there? Said he, Benamuckee U :>r
them clearly ; we pray to Benamuckee in de canoe, and _
Benamuckee would love me, when dey eat a me all up.
Such dilcourfes as thefe had I with my man, and
fuch made me fenhble, that the true God is worihip-
ed, tho’ under imperfect fimilitudes; and tliat the
falfe adoration which the heathens give to their ima¬
ginary deity, is as great an argument of the divine
effence, as the molt learned atheifts, falfejy fo called,
can bring againft it: For God will be glorified in his
works, let the denomination be what it will; and I
cannot be of that opinion which ibme conceive, that
God Ihould decree men to be damned for want of a
right notion of faith, in a place where the wifdom of ,
the Almighty has not permitted ittobe preached; and
therefore cannot but conclude, that fmee obedience
is the belt facrince, thefe poor creatures, acting by
that light and knowledge which they are poiTt-lFcd
of, may undoubtedly obtain a happy ialvation, tho’
not that enjoyment,with Chrijl as his faints, confef-
fors, and martyrs muft enjoy.
But laying thefe determinations afide, more fit for
the ableft divines than me to dilenfs, I began to in-
ftrucf my fervant in the laving knowledge of tire
true deity ; in which the directions of God’s Holy
Spirit affifted me. I lifted up my hands to heaven,
and pointing thereb, told him, that .lie great Maker
of heaven and earth lived here : That as h'. infinite
power fdfhioned this w< rid out of a emm ieci- chocs,
and made it in that beautiful frame which we behold,
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