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feccly eafy myl’elf, 1 creeled a tent for him in the va¬
cant place between my two fortifications, in the ia-
lide of the laft, and outfide of the firtt: And as
there was an entrance or door in my cave, I made
a formal framed door-cafe, and a door to open on
the infide. I barred it up in the night time, taking
in my ladders too ; fo that was my man to prove
treacherous, there would be no way to come at me in
the infide of my innermoft wall, without making fo
much noife in getting over, that it muft needs waken
me ; for my firft wall had now a cbmplete roof over
it of long poles, fpreading over my tent, and leaning
up to the fide of the mountain, which was again laid
crofs with fmaller flicks inftead of laths, and thatch¬
ed over a great thicknefs with the rice ftraw, which
was as ftrong as reeds ; and at the hole of the place,
left on purpofe to go in or out by the ladder, I had
placed a kind of trap-door, which if it had been at¬
tempted on the outfide, would not have opened at all,
but have fallen down and made a great noife ; and as
to my weapons, every night I took them all to my
But there was no occafion for this precaution ; for
furely never mafter had a more fincere, faithful, and
loving fervant than Friday proved to me, without paf-
fion, fullenefs, or defign, perfedlly obliging and en-
gaging : His aftedtions were as much tied to me as
fhofe of a child to his parents ; and I might venture to
fay, he would have facrificed his life for the faving of
mine, upon any occafion whatfoever. And indeed the
many teftimonies he gave me of this very fufficiently
convinced me that I had no occafion to ufe thefe
precautions. And here I could not but refledl, with
great wonder, that however it has pleafedthe Almighty
in his providence, and in the government of the crea¬
tion, to take from fo great a part of the world of his
creatures, the nobleft ufes to which their faculties,
and the powers of their fouls are adapted ; yet that