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none appeared. This was a very great difcouragement,
at which I was very much concerned ; yet never did
this wear off the edge of my defire to the thing ;
but the longer it feemed to be delayed, the more eager
I was for it : In a word, I was never at firfi: fo careful
to fhun the loathed fight of thefe favages, as I was now
eager to be upon them.,-1 thought mylclf
fufficiently able to manage one, two, or three favages,
if I had them, fo as to make them my entire {laves,
to do whatfoever I fhould direft them, and prevent
their being able at any time of doing me a mifchief.
Many a time did I ufe to pleafe myfelf with this affair,
with long and ardent expeftations ; but nothing yet
prefented, all my deep proje&ed fchemes and numer¬
ous fancies vanilhed away, as though while I retained
thofe thoughts, the decree of Providence was fuch
that no favages were to come near me.
It was about a year and a half, that as I was mofi:
ferioufly mufing of fundry ways how I fhould attain
my end, one morning early I was very much furprifed
by feeing no lefs than five canoes all on Ihore toge¬
ther on my fide the iflnnd, and the creatures that be¬
longed to them all landed, and out of my fight. Such
a number of them difconcerted all my meaffures •, for
feeing fo many boats, each of which would contain
fix, and fometimes more, I could not tell what to
think of it, or how to order my meafures to attack
tw’enty or thirty men fingle handed : Upon which
much difcomforted and perplexed, I lay ftiil in my
caftie ; however I put myfelf in the fame pofture for
an attack that I had formerly provided againft, and
was ready to enter upon an engagement, fhould they
attempt it. But when I had waited a long while,.till
fuch time as my impatient temper would let me bear it
no longer, I fet my guns at the foot of my ladder, and
as ufual afeended up to the top of the hill at two ftages;
however, handing that my head did not appear above
the hill, fo that by any means they could not perceive
me ;