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While I continued here, thefe thoughts came inta
my mind.
In what manner is the production of the earth and
fea, which I have feen fo much of? From whence
came myfelf, and all other creatures living, and of
what are we made ?
Our beings were affuredly created by fome Al¬
mighty inviilble Power, who framed the earth, the
fea, and air, and all therein. But what is that
Power ?
Certainly, it mult follow, that God has created it
all. Yet, faid I, if God has made all this, he mult
be the ruler of them all, and what is relating there¬
to ; for certainly the power that makes mult indif-
putably have a power to guide and direCt them.
And if this be fo (as certainly it mult) nothing can
happen without his knowledge or appointment.
Then, furely, if nothing happens without God’s ap¬
pointment, certainly God has appointed thefe my
fufferings to befal me. And here I fixed my firm
belief, that it was his will that it fhould be fo ; and
then proceeded to inquire, why fhould God deal
with me in this manner ? Or what had I done thus
to deferve his indignation ?
Here confcience dew in my face, reprehending
me as a blafphemer ; crying with a loud and piercing
voice, Unworthy •wretch ! dare you afk what you have
done P JLock upon your pajl life, and fee what you have
left undone. Afk thyielf, why thou wert not long
ago in the mercilel's hands of death ? Why not
drowned in Yarmouth roads, or killed in the fight
when the fhip was taken by the Sallee man of war ?
Why not entombed in the bowels of wild beads on
the African coal}, or drowned here, when all thy
companions fuffered fhip wreck ?
Struck dumb with thefe reflections, I rofe up in a
penfive m inner, being fio thoughtful that I could not
go to deep : And fearing the dreadful return of my