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every thing I found was in its proper place. I had
feveral refolutions whether I IhoulJ move or not. At
length I refolved to ftay where I was, till I had found
a convenient place where I might pitch my tent.
Apr. ii. When I began to put my refolutrons in
praftice, I was ftopt for want of tools and in lini¬
ments to work with. Mod of my axes and hatchets
were ufelels, occafioned by cutting the hard timber
that grew on the illand. It took me up a full week
to make my grind-ftone of ufe to me, and at laft I
found out a way to turn it about with my foot, by
the help of a wheel and a firing,
Apr. 28, 29. ’ Thefe days were fpent in grinding
my tools.
Apr. 30. My bread falling fhort, I allowed my-
felf but one bifcuit a-day.
May 1. As I walked along the fea fhore, I found
a barrel of gunpowder, and feveral pieces of the
wreck, which the fea had flung up. Having fecur-
ed thofe, I made to the fhip, whofe ftern was torn
off, and walhed a great diftance afhore; but the reft
j lay in the fands. This, I fuppofed, was occafioned
by the earthquake. Now 1 refolved to keep my old
place of abode, and alfo to go to the fhip that day,
but found it impoffible.
May 3. I went on board, and with my faw faw’d
off one of the beams which kept her quarter-deck ;
then I cleared the iand till flood.
May 4. I caught fome nfh, but they were not
wholeibme. Tiae fame day I aifo catched a young
May 5. This day l alfo repaired to the wreck, and
faw’d another piece of timber; and when the flood
came, I made a float of three great planks, which
was driven afhore by the tide.
May 6, 7, 8, 9. Thefc days I brought oft' the iron
bolts, opened the deck with the iron crow, and car-
Dz ried