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Other. Then, with the pieces of cable which I had
cut on board, I regularly laid them in the circle be¬
tween the piles up to their tops, which were more
than five feet out of the earth, and after drove ano¬
ther row of piles looking within-fide againft them,
between two or three feet high, which made me
conclude it a little impregnable caftle from men and
beads: And, for my better fecurity, I would have no
door, but entered in and came out by the help of a
ladder, which I alio made.
Here was my fence and fortrefs, into which I
carried all my riches, ammunition, and ftores. Af¬
ter which, working on the rock, what with the dirt
and ftones I dug out, I not only raifed my ground
two feet, but made a little cellar to my manfion-
houfe ; and this cod me many days labour'and pains.
But one day in particular a fhower of rain falling,
thunder and lightning enfued, which put me in ter¬
ror, led my powder Ihould take fire, and not only
hinder my necedary fubfidence from killing me food,
but even blow up me and my habitation: To pre¬
vent which, I fell to making boxes and bags, in or¬
der to feparate it, having by me near i^olbs weight.
And thus being edablilhed as king of the ifiand,
every day I went out with my gun to fee what I could
kill that was fit to eat. I foon perceived numbers
of goats, but very fhy : Yet having watched them
narrowly, and feeing I could better fhoot off the
rocks than when in the low grounds, I one day hap¬
pened to fhoot a Ihe-goatduckling a young kid ; who
not thinking its dam {lain, dood by her unconcerned;
and when 1 took the dead creature up, the yopng
one followed me even to the inclofure. I lifted the
kid over the pales, and would willingly have kept it
alive ; but finding it could not be brought to eat, l
was forced to flay it alfo for my own fubfiflence.
Thus entered into a firange fcene of life, as ever
any man was in, I had mod melancholy apprehen-
3 lions