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kept my back Braining againft the cherts, to keep
my effects in their places, all I had would have gone
into the Tea. But after fome time, the riling of the
water caufed the raft to float again, when coming up
a little river, with land on both fides, I landed in a
little cove, as near the mouth as poflible, the better
to difcover a fail, if any fuch providentially parted
by that way.
Not far off, I fpied a hill of a ftupcndous height,
furrounded with lefl’er hills about it: And thither I
was refolved to go and view the country, that I
might fee what part was the beft place tc fix my Ira-
bitation in: Accordingly, arming myfelf with a
piftol, a fowling-piece, powder and ball, I afcended
the mountain: There I perceived I was in an ifland
encompafled by the fea; no diftant lands to be
feen, but fcattering rocks that lay to the weft ; that
it feemed a barren place, and, as I thought, inhabi¬
ted only by wild hearts. I perceived abundance of
fowls, but was ignorant of what kind, or whether
good for nourifliment; I Ihot one of them at my re¬
turn, which occalioned a confufed fereaming among
the other birds; and I found it, by its colour and
beak, to be a kind of hawk, but its flelh was perfedt
When I came to my raft, I brought m^vefFeifls on
fhore, which work fpent that day entirely; and
fearing that fome cruel hearts might devour me in
the night while I flept, I made a kind of hut or bar¬
ricade with the chefts and boards I brought from
fhore. That night I flept very comfortably, and the
next morning my thoughts were employed to make
a further attempt 011 the fhip, and bring away what
necertaries I could find, before another ftorm fhould
break her to pieces. Accordingly I got on board as
before, and prepared a fecond raft, far more nice
than the firft; upon which I brought away the car-
penter’s ftores, two or three bags full of nails, a
r - 1 C great