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going, I thought, I knew not whither, in a difmal
gulf unknown, and as yet unperceived, never tobe-
hold my friends, nor the light of this world any
more ! Could I even have thought of annihilation, or
a total diffolution of foul as well as body, the gloomy
thoughts of having no further being, no knowledge
of what we hoped for, but an eternal quietus, with¬
out life or fenfe ; even that, I fay, would have been
enough to ftrike me with horror and confuficn ! But
ftriving to the laft extremity, while I thought all my
companions were overpowered and entombed in the
■ deep, it was with great difficulty I kept my breath
till the wave fpent itfelf, and retiring back, left me
on the ffiore half dead with the water I had taken in.
Hqwever, I got on my feet as faft as I could, left
another wave fhould purfue, and carry me back
again; but for all the hade I made, I could not
avoid it; for the fea came after me like a high
mountain, or furious enemy, fo that mybufinefs v/as
to hold my breath, and by raffing myfelf on the
water, preferve it by fwimming ; the next dreadful
wave buried me at once twenty or thirty feet deep,
but at the fame time carried me with a mighty force
and fwiftnefs towards the fhore; when raifing my¬
felf, I held out as well as poffible, till at length the
water having fpent itfelf, began to return, at which
I ftruck forward, and feeling ground with my feet, I
took to my heels again; thusbeing ferved twice more,
I was at laft dafhed againft a piece of rock, in fuch
a manner as left mefenfelefs ; but recovering a little
before the return of the waves, which, no doubt,
then would have overwhelmed me, 1 held faft by the
rock till thofe fucceeding weaves abated; and then,
fetching another run, was overtook by a fmall wave,
which was foon conquered; but before any more
: could overtake me, I reached the main land, where
[ clambering up the clifts of the fliore, tired and almoft
I fpent, I fat clown on the grafs, free from the dangers
1 of tire foaming ocean.