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Encouraged at this, I fet up my patron’s antient,
and fired a gun, both as fignals of diftrefs ; upon
which they very kindly lay to ; fo that in three hours
time I came up with them. They fpoke to me in
Portuguefe, Sp'anijh, and French^ but neither of thefe
did I underhand ; till at length a Scots failor called,
and then I told him I was an Englijhman, who had
efcaped from the Moors of Sallee; upon which they
took me kindly on board, with all my effefls.
Surely none can exprefs that inconceivable joy my
heart felt at this my happy deliverance; who, from
being a miferable and forlorn creature, was not only
relieved, but in favour with the mafter of the Ihip,
whom in return for my deliverance I offered all I had
to him : God forbid, laid he, that IJhould take any
thing from you ;. every thing flail be delivered to you •when
you come to Bralil: If I have faved your life, it is no
more than 1 flould e>:pecl to receive myfelf from any
other, when in the fame circumflances, I flould happen
to meet the like deliverance ; and flould I take from you
what you have, and leave you at Bralil, why this
would only be taking away a life I have given ; my cha¬
rity teaches me better ; thofe effeBs you have willfupport
you, there, and frovide you a pajfage home again. And
indeed he acted with the drifted: judice in what he
did, taking my things in his podedion, and gi¬
ving me an exa£t inventory, even to ray earthen jars.
He bought my boat of me for the Ihip’s ufe, giving
me a note of eighty pieces of eight, payable at Bra-
ftl, and if any body odered more he would make it
up. He alfo gave me dxty pieces for my boy Xury.
It was with great reludtance I was prevailed upon to
fell the child’s liberty, who had ferved me fo faith¬
fully ; but the boy himfelf was willing, and it was
agreed* that after ten years, he fhould be made free,
upon his renouncing Mahometanifn and embracing
Having a pleafant voyage to the Brafls, we ar¬