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[The following verses are intended to represent, in an alle¬
gory, the trial and condemnation of four mental powers or
faculties, with which the works of certain modern metaphy¬
sicians are filled, but which yearly receive in the University of
Glasgow, quite as severe treatment as that here described.]
’Twas in that hall where reason reigns,
The presence-chamber of the brains,
( Some have their philosophic doubts,
Whether the heart or thereabouts
Be not the more appropriate scat
Of sentiment and appetite)
I’ve said ’twas in this audience-chamber,
Though where that was I can’t remember,
That not long since did convocate
Queen Mind's three ministers of state,
Called Judgment, Sense, and Memory.
With office-bearers in array;
Each in his right and proper station,
As best became the convocation.
Post jn-eces, all the three sederunt
On thrones of gold, or air, I can’t
Be certain which ; but this we’re told,
That Judgment’s was of goodliest mould,
Who represented Minos well,
Saving that Minos judged in hell.
The eyes were ordered to beware
Lest sights unseemly entered there.