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meannefs of their hoft, that they granted him the
liberty of afking what he pleafed. He faid, that
he wifhed to live a Angle life, becaufc he had fo
promifed to his dying wife, and yet extremely de-
lired a fon.
The gods, favouring fo pious a requeft, moiftened
the hide of an ox, w hich he had killed for their en¬
tertainment, with their urine, commanding him to
bury it in the earth. In the tenth month after- !
wards, he digged it up again, as he was ordered,',)
and found a boy produced from thence, which he ;
called Unon. or Orion. He afterwards, growing, i
up, joined himfelf a companion to Diana. But be- a
caufe his love to the goddefs exceeded the bounds k
of modefty, or becaufe, as fome fay, he extolled
the ftrength of his own body too infolently, and n
boafted, that there was no wild beaft, which he i
could not eafily mailer; the Earth not enduring i
fuch arrogance, lent a fcorpion, by which he was l
killed. He was afterwards carried to heaven, and
placed among the conftellations, where he is be- :
lieved to raile florins, when he appears not; but i
on the other hand, to bring a calm, when be Ihews .