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CASTOR and Pollux were twin-brothers, font
of Jupiter and Leda, wife of Tyndarus, king
of Laconia. Jupiter loved her, but could not fuc-
ceed in bis amour, till being changed into a fwan,
he gained her mutual affecdion by the fweetnefs of-
his finging ; and flying into her bcfom, as it were
into an afylum, to efcape the violence of an eagle
purfuing him, he abufed her, though already preg¬
nant by her hufband. From this embrace fhe af¬
terwards brought forth two eggs, which, beings
hatched, produced thefe brothers, and two filters-
alfo; from the one egg fprung Pollux and Helena,
of divine feed ; from the other Cafror and Clytem-
neftra, begotten by the mortal father. Both the
brothers went with Jafon to Colchis: whence hav¬
ing returned, they recovered their filter Helen?,
whom Thefeus had ftolen, by fubduing the Athe- .
nians, who fought for him. Their
great, that they offered white lambs upon their a!- !
tars. When Caftor, as being mortal, was killed "
by Linceus, Pollux prayed that Jupiter would re- !
ftorc him to life, and confer immortality upon him ;
which when he could not obtain, yet leave was £
granted, that he fhould fhare his own with his bro- ;
ther; fo that afterwards they lived by turns, and i
at length were both tranflated into heaven, and bi
changed into ftars, now called Gemini. Thefe i]
were efteemed lucky and profperous to mariners, '
becaufe formerly, when a violent tempeft feized ut
humanity towards that conquered