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The Harpyes, fo called from their rapacity, were
torn of Oceanus and Terra, with the faces of vir¬
gins, and bodies of birds : their hands were armed
with claws, and they lived in the illands. Their
names were Aeiio, Ocypete, and Celaeno, which
laft brought forth Zephyrus, and Balius and Xan-
thus the horfes of Achilles. The three Gorgons,
Medufa, Sthenio, and Uryale, were the daughters
of Phorcus and Cete: their heads were dreadful with
vipers inftead of hairs, by which they ftruck fo
greatterror into beholders, that they prefently hard¬
ened into ftones. By this fable they would repre-
fent the wonderful beauty of thefe (tilers, which was
fuch, that thofe, who faw them, feemed to (land,
with amazement, in the fame place, as if they were
The Lamia:, or Empufe, as others call them,
were defcended of the fame parents: they had on¬
ly one eye, and one tooth common to them all,
which they kept at home in a certain little veflel,
and whofoever of them went abroad, Ihe ufed
them. They had the faces and alfo the necks and
breads of women; but their inferior parts were
covered with fcales and ended in ferpents. They
ufed to entice men by deceit, and then devour
them : for with their naked breafts, open bofoms,
and down-caft eyes, as it were out of modefty,
they tempted beholders firft to difeourfe, and then
they flew to their throats, ftrangled and tore them
mod barbaroufly.
The Chimr-ra is a monfter which vomits forth tire,
having the head and bread of a lion, the belly of
a goat, and the tail of a dragon. A mountain of
Lycia, from whence flames of fire break forth, gave
occahor. to the fcble ; tor lions dwell in the top of