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grace, while they were fitting at the table, flie
tfrrept in privately and threw a golden apple before
.jthem, on which was. this infcription. Let it be
given to the faireft. Hereupon arofe a quarrel a-
â– rnong the goddelfes; for every one claimed the ap¬
ple to herfelf, as being the handl’omeft.
t At laft all the reft yielded to the three fbperior
l^oddefles, Juno, Pallas and Venus; who difputed
ipo eagerly, that Jupiter himfelf could not bring
ijt'aem to agreement, and therefore appointed, that
ithey fhould ftand to the determination of Pans.
(So they go to him, feeding his flocks on a certain
mountain ; they open and plead their caufe before
diim, foliciting his favour, with very enticing pro-
tnifes: Juno profefles to reward him with power,
^Pallas with wifdom, and Venus with the molt beau¬
tiful woman in the whole world. The judge, hav-
jing curioufly infpedled them all, being corrupted by
Juft, pronounced Venus the faireft, and affigned to
tiher the golden apple.
Venus performed her promife to Paris ; for, in a
little time, he was owned the fon of Priamus, and
failed into Greece with a great fleet, under the
colour of an embafly, but really to fetch away
Helena the moft beautiful virgin in the world, who
Was betrothed to Menelaus king of Sparta, and
then lived in his houfe. Menelaus being abfent,
die carried Helena to Troy. Hence broke out that
data! war between the Grecians and Trojans, in
iwhich Troy, the nietroplis of ail Alia, was taken
alter a ten years fiege, and burnt in the year of
the world, two thoufand eight hundred andfeven-
ity one : and Priamus fpoiled of his wife, children,
ikingdom and life together. Helena, who after the
;death of Pails, was married to Deiphobus. at laft