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JU N O is the queen of the gods, both the filler
and wife of Jupiter; the daughter of Saturn
and Ops; born in the ifland Samos, where (he liv¬
ed, while (he continued a virgin.
She rides in a golden chariot, dratvn by pea¬
cocks, diliinguifiied by a fceptre and crown fet a-
bout with roles and lilies. Her perfon is auguft;
her face full of brightnefs, beauty and majefty; her
carriage noble, and her drefs elegant and fine.
Iris, the daughter of Thaumus and Eledlra, alfo
filler of the Harpyes, is fervant and peculiar mef-
fenger of Juno; though Jupiter and the other gods,
yea Furies and Men too employed her. Becaufe
of her fwiftnefs, (he is painted with wings, fitting
on a rainbow; and was always fent to promote
ftrife and dilTenlion, as if (lie were goddefs of dii-
cord. It was alfo her office to unloofe the fouls of
dying women from the chains of the body.
Juno had by Jupiter Vulcan, Mars, and Hebe;
although lome fay, that Hebe was begot of Juno
only : for while (lie was yet childlefs, as foon as
fne ate wild lettuces, fet before her at an enter¬
tainment in the royal palace, growing fuddenly
big-bellied (lie brought forth Hebe, who, for her
extraordinary beauty, was by Jupiter made god¬
defs of youth, and the office of ferving the cup to
him, was alfo conferred on her. But when by an
unlucky fall, (lie caufed great diverfion to the
guells; Jupiter, being enraged, turned her out of
her office, and Ganimede fucceeded in her Head.
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