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4,4 TAr Saints fdmiffion f-Ttafe FI*
c>:ne to their kingdom. (2.) The Quality in which
they are admitted an i introduced to it
I Their ATavuhon, the tevt (hews to he by a voice
fro n the throne the King calling to them from the
throne, before angels and men, to come to their
kingdom. Come and go are but fhort words, but they
will be fuch as will afford matter of thought to a’l
mankind, through the ages of eternity ; finee upon
the one depends tverlalling happinefs, and upon the ,
ether, evetlafting mifery. Now Cntr Lord bids the j
word of firmtrs, who hear the gofpel, Come; but the
mod part will not come unto him. Some few, whofe
hearts are touched bv his Spirit, do embrace the call,
and their fou!s, within them fay, BthoLl! roe come unto
thee: they give themfelves to the Lord, forf.ike the
world and their lufls for him' ; they bear his yoke, an.I
caft it not off, no not iri the heat of the day, when the
weight of it, perhaps makes them fweat the blood out
of their bodies. Behold the fools! faith the carnal
world , whither are they going i But ftay a kttle,
O foclifh world ! From the fame mouth, whence they
had tlte call they are now following, another call (hall
come, which will make amends for all : Cj/ne, ys
bicjjed of my Father, inherit the kingdom. &,c.
The flints (hall find an inexprrffible fweetnefs in
this call, to come: (1.) Hereby jtfus Chrilt fhews
his defire of their fcciety in the upper houfe, that
they may be ever with him there. Thus he will open
his heart unto them, as fometimes he did to his Father
concerning them, faying, Father, I will that they—
he with me, where I am, &c. John xvii 24. Now the
travail of his foul ftands before the throne, not only
the fouls, but the bodies he has redeemed ; and they
rrmfl come, for he mull be completely fatisfied.—
(2.) Hereby they are folemnfy invited to the marriage-
fupper of the Lamb. They were the lower-
table, by the voice of the fervants, and the fecret work¬
ings of the Spirit with iri them ; and they came, a mb
did partake of the fraft of divine communications in
the lower houfe : but Jeftts Chrilt, iu per ion, liiail -