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448 Fid! F.njojr’ent of God, Srate IV.
Thty may bring their vt'ffe’s to this ocean every iro-
mer t, and iiil them with new waters What a rev,th¬
ing fight would it be, to fee ail the petfecheus, and
lovely qualities, that are fcattered h.ere and tiicre among
the creatures, gatheted together into one ! bat even
luch a fight would be infinitely below this bufsiui fight
the faints (hall have in heaven. Tor thty (had fee
God, in whom all thefe perfeclioits fiiall eminently ap¬
pear, with infinitely more ; whereof thcie is no vcfttge
to be found in the creature. In him (hall thty fee ;
eveiy thing defirable, and nothing but what is definable.
Then (hall they be perfectiy-fatisfied as to the love 1
of God towards them, which they are now ready to
queftion on every turn. They will be no mote fet to
perfuade themfelvcs of it, by marks, figns and teftimo-
nies: they will have an intuitive knowledge of it.
They (hall (wish the prefeundeit reverence be it fpo-
ken) look into the heart of God, and there fee the love
he bore to them from all eternity, and the love and
good will he will bear to them for evermore. .The
glorified flvall have a molt clear and di(lin£t undci Hand¬
ing ol divine tiuths, for, In his light ne fha.l fee lighty
Vial, xxxvi 9. The light of glory will be a complete
commentary on the Bible, ami loofe all the hard and
knotty queltions in divinity. '1 here is no joy on earth,
comparable to that which ariftth from the difeovtry of
truth; no difeovery of truth comparable to the difeo-
very of feripture-truth, made by tfie Spmit of the Lord
unto the foul. / rejoice at thy uonJ, lays the Pfalmift,
its one thatJnideth great fpoity Pfal. cxix. 162. Yet
it is but an imperfect dilcovery we have of it while
here. How ravifhing then will it be, to fee the open¬
ing of the whole treafure, hid in that field ! they (hall
;dfo be let into the under Handing of the works ol Gcd.
The beauty in tire works ol creation and providence,
will then be feen in a due light Natural knowledge
â– will be brought to perfection, by the light of glory.
The web of providence, concerning tire church, and all
men whatfoever, will then be cut cut, and laid bticre
the eyes of the faints, and it will appear a moll beauti¬