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42$ White Carmetiff. State I\r.
'tspon them in his meridian brightnefs, will difpel all
clouds, and give them an everlafting day, without the
lead: mixture of darknefs, A deluge of wrath, after a
fearful thunder-clap from the throne, will fweep away
the wicked from before the judgement feat, into the lake
of fire ; but they are, in the firft place, like Noah
brought into the atk, and out of harm’s way.
Secondly, White raiment hath been a token of puri¬
ty. Therefore the Lamb’s wife is arrayed in fine li¬
nen, clean and white, Rev. xix 8, And thofe who
flood before the throne, wafhed their robes and made
them white in the blood of the Lamb, chap. vii. 14.
The faints fhali then put on the robes of perfedb purity,
and fhine in fpotlefs holinefs, like the fun in his
ftrength, without the lead cloud to intercept his light.
Abfolute innocence {hall then be reftored, and every
appearance of fin banifhed far from his kingdom. The
guilt of fin, and the reigning power of if, are now taken
away in the faints; neverthelefs fin dwelleth in them,
Rom. vii 20. But then it fliall be no more in them :
the corrupt nature will be quite removed ; that root of
bitternefs will be plucked up, and no vefliges of it left
in their fouls; their nature fli ill be altogether pure and
finlefs. There ihali be no more darknefs in their
minds; but the underftanding of every faint, when he
is come to his kingdom, Will be as a globe of pure and
unraixed light. There fhali not be the leafi: averfion to
good, cr inclination to evil, in theii wills; but they
will be brought to a perfect conformity to the will of
God, bleft with angelical purity, and fixed therein-
Thsir affections fhall not be liable to the lead: diforder
c-r irregularity i it will coft them no trouble to keep:
them right; they will get fuch a fet of purity, as they
can never lofe They will be fo refined from ail
earthly drofs as never to favour more of any thing
but heaven Were it pnfiible they fhouM be fet agfin
amid ft the enfharing objects of an evil world, they ihould
walk among them without the leait defilement; as the
fu#hi n'es on the dunghill, yet untainted, and as the
angels preferred their purity in the mid it of Sodom. >
° ^ Their :