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Head IV. Preparation for Judgement. 421
cal! of the gofpcl, inviting fimiers to come to Chrift,
hear the fearful fentcnce, Depart from me, ye cur/cd,
tnto cvcrlaffirg fire, prepared for the devil and his
angeh ? No fleepy hearer fhall be there : no man’s
hrart will then wander : their liearts and eyes will
th^n be fixed on their mifcty, which they wni not
now believe. O that we knew in this our day, the
things that belong to our peace.
Lajify, Be exhorted to believe this great truth;
and believe it fo, as you may prepare for the judge¬
ment betimes. Set up a fecret tribunal in your own
breads, and often call yourl’el'Ves to an account there.
Make the Judge your friend in time, by cioling with
him in the offer of the gofpel ; and give all diligence,
that ye may be found in Chnlt, at that day. Cad off
the works of daiknefs, and live, as believing you are,
at all times, and in all places, under the eye of your
Judge, who will bring every work into judgement, with
every fecret thing. Be fruitful in good works, know¬
ing that as ye fow, ye thall reap. Study piety towards
God, righteoufnefs and charity towards men, Lay up^
in dore plenty of works of charity and merev, towards
them who are in didrefs, efpecially fuch as are of the
houfehold of faith, that they may be produced that day
as evidences, that ye belong to Chrift. Shut not up
your bowels of mercy, now, towards the needy; left
ye then find no mercy. Take heed, that in all vour
works, ye he Tingle and fincere ; aiming, in them all,
at the glory of your Lord, a tedimony of your love to
him, and obedience to his command. Leave it to hy¬
pocrites, who have their reward, to proclaim every
man hrs own goodnefs, and to found a trumpet, when
they do their alms. It is a bafe and unchriflian fpirit,
which cannot have fatisfadlion in a good work, unlefs
it he expofed to the view of others ; it is utterly un¬
worthy of one, who believes that the lad trumpet (hall
call together the whole world ; before whom the Judge
himlelf fliall publifii works truly good, how fccretiy
foever they were done. Live in a believing expedlu-
Ition of the coming of the Lord. Let your loins bd