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Head IV. Comfort to the Saints. 417
oj man cometh. And let us remember, that the laid day
of our life will determine our (late, in the lull day ot
the world ; and as we die, fo fhall we be judged.
1 (hall now {hut up this fubjt cf, with feme application
of what has been faid.
Uot I Of comfort to al! the faints. Here is abun¬
dance of confolation to all who are in the (fate of grace.
\V1 tatew: be your affljff ions in th.e world, this day will
make up all your Ioffes. 'Though you have hv.n among
the pots, yet Jhali ye be as the ivmgs of a dove covered
•withfiver, and her feathers with yellow go'd, Plalm
Ixviin 13. Tho’ the world reproach, judge and con¬
demn you, the Judge will at that day abfolve you, and
bring forth your righteoufnt is as the light. The
world's fools will then appear to have been the only
wife men who were in it. Though the crofs be heavy,
you may well bear it in expectation of the crown of
righteoufnefs, which the righteous Judge will then give
you If the world do defpife you, and treat you with
the utmoft contempt, regard it not ; the day cometh
wherein you {hall fit with Chrift in his throne. Be
not difeouraged, by reafon of manifold temptations; but
refift the devil, in confidence of a full and complete
viffory ; for you {hafl judge the tempter at laft. Tho’
you have had wreftling now with the body of fin and
death; yet ye {hill get all your enemies under your
feet at length, and be pitfi nted fauklefs before the pre¬
fence of his glory. Let not the terror of that day cli-
fpirit you, when you think upon it; let thefe who have
flighted the Judge, and continue enemies to him, and to
the way of holinefs, droop and-hang down their heads,
w hen they think of his coming; but lift ye up your
heads with joy. for the laft day will he your heft day.
The Judge is your Head and Hufband, your Redeemer,
and your Advocate Ye mull appear before the judge¬
ment-feat, but ye fhall ne t come into condemnation,
John v. 24. His coming will not be againft you, hut
for you. He came in the flelh, to remove the lawful
impediments of the fpiritual marriage, by his death ; he
came in the gofpel to you, to efpcufe you to himfelf;