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4io Sentence of Damnation State IV.
n terror to them. All wrongs muft be righted at length,
and every one fet in his proper place.
Tenth'y, The Judge (hall pronounce the fentence
of damnation on all the ungodly multitude. Then /ball
he Jay alfo unto them on the left hand, Depart from me,
ye cur/ed, into everlajiing fire, prepared for the devil
and hts angels, ver. 41. Fearful doom! and that
from the fame mouth, from whence proceeded the
fentence of abfolution before. It was an aggravation
of the mifery of the Jews, when their city was de-
ftroyed, that they were ruined by one, who was ac¬
counted the darling of the world. Oh! what an aggra¬
vation of the mifery of the wicked will it be, that he
fhall pronounce this alfo ! to hear the curfe
from mount Zion, mud: needs be mod terrible. To
fee damned by him, who came to fave finners, mud be
double damnation But thus it diall be. The Lamb
of Ood {hall roar, as a lion, againd them ! he {hail
excommunicate, and cad them out of his prefence for
ever, by a fentence from the throne, faying, Depart
from ntc, )e curjed. He {hall adjudge them to ever-
lading fire, and the fociety of devils for evermore.
And this fentence alfo, we fuppofe, {hall be pronoun¬
ced with an audible voice, by the man Chrift. And
all the faints {hall fay, Hallelujah, true and righteous \
are his judgements. None were fo compafiionate as i
the faints, when on earth, during the time of God’s
patience. But now that time is at an end, their i
cotnnaflion on the ungodly is fwallowed up in joy, in
the Mediator’s glory, and his exetuting of jud judge¬
ment, by which his enemies are made his footflool.
Tho’ fometimes the righteous man did weep in fecrit t
places for their pride, and becaufe they would not
hear; yet, then, He Jhall rcjoce, -when he feth the i
•vengeance, he Jhall vjajh his feet in the blood of the 1
tanked, Pfal. Iviii. 10 No pity {hall then be (hewn
to them, from their neared relations. The godly wife
fhall applaud the judice of the Judge, in the condem¬
nation other ungodly hufoand: the godly hufband
{hall fay Amen to the damnation of her who lay in