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III. the RefurreFiun.
deftrcy this brly, yet in my fle/h Peill I fee God: ivho a
l /hill fee fir myfelf. and mme eyes fh iH behold, anX
not (mother; though my reins he coniumed within me.
but ! nee,I not multiply teitlmonies, in a matter fo
clearly and frequently t.nirht in f.icrcd fcripture, Oar
Lm-! and Saviour himfelf proves it, agiinit the S id-
riucees, in that remarkable text, Luke xx 37. 38.
Now thit the dead are raifed. even Modes Jhewed
at the b:tfh, luhei he cilieth />'•• Lord the God of
eihraham, and the God of Ifaac, an / the God of Jacob :
Fir he is not a God of the dead, but of the living ;
J’.r aM live into h.m Tiiefe holy patriarchs were
now dead : nevevthelefs, the Lord JbhovaH is called
their God, namely, in virtue of the covenant of grace,
and in the fenfe thereof; in which fenfe the phrafe
comprehends all bleflhdnefs, as that which, bv the
covenant, is fecurcd to them who ate in it, Hcb. ji 16,
God is not ajharned to be called their God : for he hath
j repared for them a city. fie is not called the G td
of their fouls only, but their God, the God of their
pevftns, fouls and bodies ; the which, by virtue of his
truth and faithfulnefs, mull have its full effcil: Now
it cannot have its full effrtt on tlie dead, who, in as
f r as they are dead, are far from all bleflcdnefs ; but
on the living, who alone are capable of it : therefore,
fince God is (lill called their God, they are living in
1 refpaft of God, altho’ their bodies are yet in the grave,
ifor in r fpeft of him who by his power can f-ftore
them to life, and in his covenant his declared his will
land purpofe fo to do, and whofe promife cannot fail,
Ithey all are to be reckoned to live 5 and, confident
with the covenant, their death is but a deep, out of
(which, in virtue of the fame covenant, ftcuring all
deflednefs to their psrfons, their whole man, they
tuft and fhall certainly be a wakened. The npaftle Paul
-moves the refurreftion at large, 1 Cor. xv. and {hews
to be a fundament J article, the denial whereof is
lubverlive of Chriilianity, ver 13. 14. If there be no
e/urrecVon of the dead, then is Chnft not nfen. And
K h 3 J if